Ryan Kennelly

What is a Part B Giveback Plan?

The Medicare Part B Giveback Benefit, also known as the Part B premium reduction benefit, is a premium reduction offered by some Medicare Advantage plans. The plan carrier pays some or all of the Part B monthly premium, which can range from 10 cents to the full cost in 2024 ($174.70). The reduction can appear as an

How to Qualify for Medicare Part D Extra Help

Individuals automatically qualify for Extra Help if they have Medicare and meet any of these conditions: They have full Medicaid coverage They get help from their state Medicaid program paying their Part B premiums (in a Medicare Savings Program) They get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits Medicare mails these Individuals a purple letter to let

Blue Cross Blue Shield Texas Announces Medicare Advantage Network Change

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas has made the difficult decision to remove Harris Health System from its Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (PPO)℠ and Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (HMO)℠ networks. Starting August 1, 2024, Harris Health clinics will be out-of-network for Blue Cross Medicare Advantage members. Hospitals, including Ben Taub and Lyndon B. Johnson, will

2024 Medicare Costs

Medicare Costs What you pay for Medicare will vary based on what coverage and services you get, and what providers you visit. What are my coverage options? There’s no yearly limit on what you pay out-of-pocket, unless you have supplemental coverage, like a Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policy, or you join a Medicare Advantage Plan.

What are the Parts of Medicare?

Parts of Medicare There are different parts of Medicare to match your medical coverage needs and budget. Parts A and B You’ll sign up for Medicare through Social Security. You can sign up for Parts A and B, or Part A only. Part A (hospital insurance) Part A helps pay for inpatient care at: Hospitals

What Is the Medicare IRMAA and How Is It Calculated?

Understanding the concept of income-related monthly adjustment amounts (IRMAAs) is crucial for anyone navigating the Medicare system. In simple terms, an IRMAA is an extra charge added to your monthly Medicare Part B (medical insurance) and Part D (prescription drug coverage) premiums if your income is above a certain threshold. It serves as a mechanism to ensure

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