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By Ryan Kennelly

October 5, 2017


  • Short Term Medical

What’s the difference between IHC short-term plans?

October 5, 2017

  • Short Term Medical
What’s the difference between IHC short-term plans?

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Q: What’s the difference between the IHC Bridge, Edge, and Net plans?

A: The biggest differences between the plans is (1) the maximum payout and (2) the coverage caps and (3) the doctor’s networks.

(1) Maximum payouts – Edge plans payout up to $1 million, while Bridge and Net plans have a $2 million

(2) Coverage caps – Edge and Bridge plans have more specific benefit limits for specific services (ie there’s a cap on how much they’ll pay for an ambulance on Edge and Bridge plans, while Net plans have no specific limit)

(3) Doctor’s networks – Bridge and Edge plans are PPOs where you get a discount for going in-network, but you have the freedom to go anywhere and your deductible is the same in or out of network. Secure Net plans have a separate in- and out-of-network deductible, so you’re encouraged to use an in-network provider to save costs.

Check out this table below for a full comparison, and you can also download the individual plan guides below.

Plan DesignsSecure EdgeSecure BridgeSecure Net
Office visit copay$50
1 copay for 30-90 days
2 copays for 91-180 days
3 copays for 181-364 days
1 copay for 30-90 days
2 copays for 91-180 days
3 copays for 181-364 days
1 copay for 30-90 days
2 copays for 91-180 days
3 copays for 181-364 days
Out-of-network deductible is two times the in-network deductible.
Coinsurance and out-of-pocket
(not including deductible)
20% – $1,000, $2,000, $3,000,
50% – $2,500, $5,000, $7,500,
20% – $1,000, $2,000, $3,000,
30% – $1,500, $3,000, $4,500,
50% – $2,500, $5,000, $7,500,
0%1 – $0
20% – $3,500, $5,000, $7,500, $10,000
30% – $3,500, $5,000, $7,500, $10,000
Out-of-network coinsurance is 50% and the out-of-pocket is two times the in- network out-of-pocket ($7,000 for 0%/$0).
Maximum benefit$1,000,000$2,000,000$2,000,000
Doctor administering anestheticsUp to 20% of the surgeon’s benefit 2Up to 20% of the surgeon’s benefitNo benefit-specific limit
Assistant surgeonUp to 20% of the surgeon’s benefit 2Up to 20% of the surgeon’s benefitNo benefit-specific limit
Surgeon’s assistantUp to 15% of the surgeon’s benefit 2Up to 15% of the surgeon’s benefitNo benefit-specific limit
Ambulance, ground or air servicesUp to $250 per occurrenceGround: Up to $500 per occurrence
Air: Up to $1,000 per occurrence
No benefit-specific limit
Organ, tissue or bone marrow transplantsUp to $150,000 per coverage periodUp to $150,000 per coverage periodUp to $150,000 per coverage period
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)Up to $10,000 per coverage periodUp to $10,000 per coverage periodUp to $10,000 per coverage period
Emergency roomUp to $500 per dayNo benefit-specific limitNo benefit-specific limit
Outpatient hospital surgery or ambulatory surgical centerUp to $1,000 per dayNo benefit-specific limitNo benefit-specific limit
Hospital room, board and general nursing careThe amount billed for semi- private room or 90% of the private room billed amount, up to $5,000 per dayThe amount billed for semi- private room or 90% of the private room billed amountThe amount billed for semi-private room or 90% of the private room billed amount
Intensive care unitThree times the amount billed for a semi-private room or three times 90% of the private room billed amount, up to
$6,250 per day
Three times the amount billed for a semi-private room or three times 90% of the private room billed amountThree times the amount billed for a semi- private room or three times 90% of the private room billed amount
Inpatient doctor visitsUp to $500 per confinementNo benefit-specific limitNo benefit-specific limit
Includes one-time $25 enrollment fee

1 The $3,500 deductible is not available with the 0% in-network coinsurance selection.
2 These benefits are limited to $2,500 per surgery for all covered expenses combined, not to exceed $5,000 per coverage period. Benefits may vary by state.

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