June 6, 2018
The cost for healthcare depends on the plan selected. This amount paid consists of two different components: a monthly premium that is paid out-of-pocket every month and a deductible that
policy holders must pay before insurers will begin paying the medical bills. In 2016, the average
premium for individuals not subsidized by the government was $321 per month, while family
plans averaged $833 according to eHeath Insurance. The average annual deductible in 2016 was
$4358 for individuals and $7983 for families. This makes the total amount paid by families
nearly $18000 in 2016 if they paid their entire deductible while individuals paid $8210. These
figures have continued to rise very quickly over the past few years. A family of four is predicted
to pay about $24000 for health insurance in 2019 if they pay their entire deductible.
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