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By Ryan Kennelly

January 19, 2021


  • Individual & Family Health Insurance

What is Concierge Medicine?

January 19, 2021

  • Individual & Family Health Insurance

Why Concierge Medicine?

Concierge medicine is a response to the limited access to primary care provider and healthcare facilities in general. Healthcare access has become more complicated due to multiple reasons. Firstly, the high demand on healthcare providers faced with a shortage in physicians available. Even as the nation’s health care workforce combats the spread and lethality of COVID-19, a report from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) projects that the United States will face a shortage of between 54,100 and 139,000 physicians by 2033. Secondly, the restrictions and limitations imposed by health insurance companies on networks and provider participation. If you have an HMO plan, for instance, that allows you to see a small network of providers then the chances to get a fast access to your primary care decrease. Thirdly, the inconsistency in seeing the same healthcare provider, such as the same PCP caused an intolerance to the current system and had driven many people to think of a more retaining solution.

So What is Concierge Medicine?

In layman words, concierge medicine or retainer medicine is a practice where the PCP (primary care provider) charges for subscription fee on annual or monthly in order to give immediate access to their patients appointment requests. The fees can vary between a provider and another, and whether the provider is billing the insurance on top of the subscription fee or not. In general, if the provider is billing the insurance for the visits, then the subscription fee would be cheaper. The opposite is true as well. It is important to know the the concierge medicine services are not covered by insurance plans, the doctor visit and consultation is covered however and billed based on the allowed CMS reimbursement values per diagnosis code and CPT codes.

What are the advantages of  Concierge Medicine?

There are many advantages to concierge medicine or retainer medicine, yet the value is very subjective and only based on the viewer’s lens. If you are one of the individuals who desires a continuous and at anytime access to your healthcare provider, then concierge medicine was founded for you.

Access, Access, and More Access

No waiting and extra time with your physician doesn’t stop at the doctor’s office. Many concierge practices give you day and night access to your care team. We’re not talking about voicemails and long-delayed replies. We’re talking about conversations, by phone or email, regarding your health and treatment, at all hours.

Virtual Correspondence

Speaking of calls and emails, that sort of communication can sometimes spare you a drive to the office. Concierge practices are generally good about handling simple matters that way when you prefer.

In-house Specialization

Concierge practices also spare you time by treating matters in-house, when possible, rather than making you drive to a specialist. When it comes to standard procedures, like gynecology exams and mole removal, your concierge team should be able to assist.

Care Coordination

We call it “quarterbacking” — streamlining a conversation among your doctors and specialists so that everyone’s treatment cooperates in one healthy direction for you. Some concierge practices also assist you in scheduling any specialist appointments that you need to set.

Of course, there are other “pros” that vary from one practice to the next. But you get the idea — concierge medicine brings access and personalization that traditional practices rarely rival.

Remember, you still need a health insurance plan to cover for eligible expenses. Check out available plans here. Click here to see all available plans in your area. 

List of Concierge Medicine Programs and Physicians:

–  Northwestern Medicine program called: “Northwestern Medicine Executive Health”

Dedication Health-Innovation Concierge Medicine

MD2- The founders of Concierge Medicine in 1996 – Multiple officer in the USA. Including Chicago, IL

Patrick J. Gallagher, MD, SC 

Rachel O’Mara, MD, LLC

Scott Palmer, MD

To learn more about concierge medicine and navigate solutions for your personal healthcare, contact us now. 

     Text or E-mail “Concierge Medicine”

     T: 773 657 9140                           Email: [email protected]

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