October 19, 2018
List of companies selling health insurance in Arkansas.
Our Rating: ★★★★☆
Ambetter offers PPOs and comprehensive coverage across the state.
The local Blue Cross Blue Shield affiliate, BCBSAK offers a name and coverage you can trust.
We don’t rate these carriers as they are smaller local companies without as much data to rate against.
USAble Mutual Insurance Company
National General is an insurance company probably better known for their auto insurance. What most people don’t know is that they also offer some of the best “short term” or “catastrophic” health insurance on the market.
The bottom line: Because National General offers longer term options, a national network PPO, competitive lifetime limits, a $50 urgent care copay AND a guaranteed issue option, National General is a stand-out insurance provider in a crowded field of competitors. Few short term or catastrophic plans are able to offer these level of benefits at an affordable price.
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