October 16, 2020
TrioMED is three (trio, get it?) types of coverage in one plan. TrioMED provides benefits that help cover out-of-pocket costs associated with the things in life you can’t plan for, like accidents, critical-illness diagnoses, and accidental death and dismemberments. It helps you get well without worrying about medical bills piling up.
Accident Medical Expense gives you the coverage you need to help pay the high out-of-pocket costs following an accident.
Accident Medical Expense (AME) has a $250 deductible. Following a covered accidental injury, this plan will help you cover accident related medical expenses up to the benefit amount you choose.
Let’s do some math The average cost of a fractured hip is $12,923. Now, let’s assume you chose a $5,000 benefit level, and have a primary medical plan with a $5,000 deductible.
In the event of the first diagnosis of a critical illness, TrioMED will provide a lump-sum, cash benefit to help you pay your out-of-pocket expenses up to the benefit level you choose.
If your medical bill is less than your chosen benefit level, you can use the leftover funds in any way you like. We recommend the $10k benefit. This plan pays benefits for the first diagnosis of covered illnesses in three categories. It pays one cash benefit per category, with three lump-sum payments available.
No one wants to think about the worst actually happening. But if it does, you want to make sure that you and the ones you love have the financial coverage needed to pay medical expenses.
In the unfortunate event that an insured person suffers a dismembered limb or passes away due to a covered accident, TrioMED will pay the elected benefit amount up to $10,000 based on the schedule of benefits.
TrioMED plans includes a membership with L.I.F.E. Association. L.I.F.E. Association is a non-profit, members-only organization which provides lifestyle-related and wellness benefits and discounts to its members.
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