Employer-sponsored coverage, including self-insured plans, COBRA coverage and retiree coverage
Coverage purchased in the individual market, including a qualified health plan offered by the Health Insurance Marketplace, health insurance offered by certain student health plans and catastrophic coverage
Medicare Part A coverage and Medicare Advantage plans
Most Medicaid coverage
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage
Certain types of veterans health coverage administered by the Veterans Administration
Most types of TRICARE coverage under chapter 55 of title 10 of the United States Code
Coverage provided to Peace Corps volunteers
Coverage under the Nonappropriated Fund Health Benefit Program
Refugee Medical Assistance supported by the Administration for Children and Families
Coverage through a Basic Health Program (BHP) standard health plan
Coverage under an expatriate health plan
Self-funded health coverage offered to students by universities for plan or policy years that begin on or before Dec. 31, 2014 (for later plan or policy years, sponsors of these programs may apply to HHS to be recognized as minimum essential coverage)
State high risk pools for plan or policy years that begin on or before Dec. 31, 2014 (for later plan or policy years, sponsors of these program may apply to HHS to be recognized as minimum essential coverage)
Other coverage recognized by the Secretary of HHS as minimum essential coverage
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