August 16, 2018
tudying abroad in an international country often times requires more preparation than most students expect. One thing that these students may overlook is making sure that their health insurance will cover them during their travels. Not everyone’s medical insurance covers them while they are in other countries, so finding a proper health insurance plan that does is important for making sure his or her trip goes smoothly.
Students whose health insurance won’t cover them studying abroad usually have three options for purchasing medical coverage. The first of these options is to get a plan through the college or University. These school plans often times cover their students studying abroad because many Universities have a major presence internationally. Medical coverage offered through the University are convenient because they are relatively inexpensive and students can opt out of them if they choose. Students that are able to should look into international health insurance from their school.
Another option for medical insurance for students while studying abroad is to purchase a marketplace plan that covers them while they are studying internationally. Some schools do not offer a plan that is sufficient for covering their health costs in another country. In this case, purchasing individual medical coverage for students abroad can be the best option. However, sometimes the cost of these plans can be greater than the amount of insurance that they offer, so it is important to research which works for you.
A third option for students studying abroad looking for health insurance to apply ISIC card. ISIC cards cover some basic medical costs such as accident coverage. The ISIC card can be beneficial for students in international countries that do not want to pay the cost of insurance abroad. While inexpensive, these cards offer very little insurance for students studying abroad.
All three of these insurance plans can be great for college students studying abroad. Finding health insurance for your time abroad is important because you can’t plan for accidents that can occur while studying internationally.
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