May 24, 2019
Group health is categorized in two ways: small and large. Unfortunately the dividing line will vary depending on the state you’re in, so there’s not a single answer.
Work with one of our agents and we’ll walk you through the process.
Most states define small group as 1-50 employees, and anything above that is large.
Other states draw that line at 100 employees, and anything above is considered large. Currently, California, Colorado, New York, and Vermont follow this definition.
The difference between the two is important because your prices and regulations change based on the categorization of your group.
For small group insurance, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has rules about which factors can and cannot impact rates. In short, small group insurance rates can only be based on the location of the business, the ages of enrollees, and in some cases, tobacco usage among enrollees. More factors are allowed to be considered in calculating large group insurance rates.
The other main difference is price. If you purchase small group coverage, the price is the same for every employer. You can choose any broker because no matter who your broker is, you’re going to end up with the same prices for the same plans.
In contrast, prices aren’t set with large group coverage and your broker can help negotiate prices down for you. In this case, who your broker is can make a difference in the amount you pay and the plans you select.
Since this can get pretty tricky, chat with a broker to make sure you understand your state’s laws and have them help you choose the right health insurance plan for your business.
If you would like more information on getting coverage for your company give us a call at 312-726-6565 to speak with a consultant directly.
We’d be happy to have your join our team of independent agents.