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By Ryan Kennelly

October 22, 2019


  • State Insurance Guides

California Health Insurance Guide 2021

October 22, 2019

  • State Insurance Guides
California Health Insurance Guide 2021

California has a robust and healthy insurance marketplace both on and off the California exchange. Be advised, there are no short-term or catastrophic plans available in California at this time due to state law.

What Health Insurance Carriers Are Available in California?

California Carrier Guide
CarrierOur Rating:Plans AvailableCountiesOn-Exchange ApplicationOff-Exchange ApplicationBrochure
Anthem Blue Cross★★★☆EPO, HMONorthern Counties

Santa Clara

Santa Cruz

San Benito


Central Valley

Central Coast

Blue Shield of California★★★★HMO, PPO, HSAStatewideCoveredCaliforniaiHealthN/A
Healthnet★★★☆HMO, EPO, PPOCoveredCaliforniaOn-Exchange Only pdf-download.png
Kaiser Permanente of CA★★★☆HMOStatewideCoveredCaliforniaKaiser Directpdf-download.png
Molina Health Care★★☆☆HMOLos Angeles



San Diego

San Bernardino


CoveredCaliforniaOn-Exchange Onlypdf-download.png
Oscar Health Plan of California★★★★EPOLos Angeles


CoveredCaliforniaOscar Directpdf-download.png
Not Rated by Independent Health Agents:
Sharp Health Plan
Western Health Advantage

Need help enrolling or just appreciate our helpful information on the California Health Exchange? Our licensed agents are here to help. 

Here’s how to delegate us as your Covered California agent:

If you haven’t created an account or just started an application, enroll here.

1. Login to your account at Covered California (must be logged in)
2. Select “More Actions” at bottom and then “Manage Delegates”
3. Click on the “Get Help” up top and then “Find Local Help” and then “Find Certified Insurance Agent” on right.
4. Click on “Find an Agent” and search for last name “Kennelly” on the right side.
5. Click on “Ryan Kennelly” and hit designate. Hit “Continue” and check 3 boxes with signature.

It’s that easy! We’ll accept the delegation and get to work in assisting in whatever you need. We’re also available year round to answer your insurance questions.


Should I apply On or Off Exchange?

You should apply on-exchange if you qualify for a subsidy–meaning your income qualifies you for subsidized monthly premiums (and sometimes lower deductibles and co-pays) through the CoveredCA website. Check out their income calculator to see.

You should apply off-exchange if you don’t qualify for a subsidy (check out the chart below), prefer private insurance, or otherwise aren’t able to apply through CoveredCA.


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Health Agents?

We’d be happy to have your join our team of independent agents.