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By Ryan Kennelly

October 10, 2018


  • State Insurance Guides

2020-2021 Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Illinois Health Insurance Guide

October 10, 2018

  • State Insurance Guides

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BCBSIL 2021 Plan Guide

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There aren’t any major plan changes from 2020 to 2021. There aren’t any changes to hospital networks as far as known and most plans have been renewed from last year.

It is rumored that Northwestern Hospital may be entering the Preferred Choice PPO network, but this has not been confirmed. We will update as necessary.

Want to make sure you’re taken care of for 2021? Schedule a phone appointment with one of our licensed agents for Open Enrollment and they will walk you through all your 2021 options to find the plan that is right for you.

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  • Product Name2020 Benefit Highlights
    2021 Benefit Highlights
    Blue Choice Preferred Security PPO 200ViewView
    Blue Choice Preferred Bronze PPO 201 – Two $40 PCP VisitsViewView
    Blue Choice Preferred Bronze PPO 202ViewView
    Blue Choice Preferred Bronze PPO 302ViewView
    Blue Choice Preferred Silver PPO 203ViewView
    Blue Choice Preferred Silver PPO 303ViewView
    Blue Choice Preferred Gold PPO 204ViewView
    Blue FocusCare Bronze 209ViewView
    Blue FocusCare Silver 210ViewView
    Blue FocusCare Gold 211ViewView
    Blue Precision Bronze HMO 205ViewView
    Blue Precision Silver HMO 206ViewView
    Blue Precision Silver HMO 306ViewView
    Blue Precision Gold HMO 207ViewView
    BlueCare Direct Bronze 401 with AdvocateN/AView
    BlueCare Direct Silver 212 with AdvocateViewView
    BlueCare Direct Gold 409 with AdvocateN/AView

Network Changes

Northwestern Hospital entered the Preferred Choice PPO network for 2021, but otherwise there were no major changes.

Just as before, there is no network difference in the metallic level of plan, I.E. someone buying a Bronze Precision HMO plan has access to the same network as the person buying the Gold Precision Plan, only difference is the plan costs/co-pays/benefit levels.

Network Overview

Blue Choice Preferred PPOBlue Precision HMOBlue Focus CareBlue Care Direct
Narrow Network PPOWide Access HMONarrow Network HMONarrow Network partnership with Advocate Hospitals
High out of network costsNo out of network care* No out of network care* No out of network care*
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(*Out of network care is covered in the event of an emergency in the contiguous US

See Plan Comparisons

Blue Choice Preferred PPO

Our Rating: ★★★☆☆

The Blue Choice Preferred PPO is the only ACA-compliant PPO offered in Illinois, though the coverage is not comparable to most PPOs available from employers. With an extremely high out of network deductible, you aren’t likely to receive any benefits from choosing an out-of-network provider. Those in Cook County aren’t recommended to take this plan as they face higher premium costs for access to less doctors. These plans also generally have better prescription drug coverage than the HMO options.

Good For: Outside Cook County, those who really, really, truly hate HMOs, those who are more likely to see a doctors and specialists that they’ve confirmed are in-network

Blue FocusCare

Our Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

Blue FocusCare is a limited network HMO restricted to the areas around Cook County. While the low-cost may be appealing to some consumers, the quality of the providers in network (while providing no out of network benefits) will leave a lot of patients wanting. You will not have much choice when it comes to the hospitals and providers you can get covered.

Good for: People who aren’t concerned about hospital networks, the most price sensitive, or those who already know their doctor is in network.

Blue Precision HMO

Our Rating: ★★★★☆

The Blue Precision HMO offers the widest range of doctors in Cook County, and is the only individual, ACA compliant plan in Illinois that offers access to Northwestern Memorial Hospital as well as Northshore Hospital. While it is an HMO that requires a referral for specialists (that means you won’t see a list of specialists on this plan, but your primary doctor may refer you to the specialist of their choice) and doesn’t offer out-of-network care, this plan gives you access to the better rated hospitals and providers in the greater Chicagoland area. 

Good For: Those most concerned with hospital and doctor choice, those who want to go to Northwestern or Northshore Hospital facilities. 

BlueCare Direct HMO

Our Rating: ★★★★☆

BlueCare Direct is a partnership with the Advocate hospitals in the style of an EPO (Only Illinois doesn’t allow things to be called an EPO). But basically it means you can go anywhere within the Advocate hospital network, including all of the Advocate-run Walgreens urgent care centers and Illinois Masonic (The only other level I trauma center besides Northwestern) on Chicago’s Northside.

Good for: Young people, people who like Advocate hospitals, Chicago Northsiders and those in the suburbs where Advocate hospitals like Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove reign supreme.

Still don’t know what to choose? Check out our plan finder! Or, give us a call at (312) 726-6565 our use our live chat and any of our agents will be happy to help.

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